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Infertility is medically defined as the inability to conceive a child after unprotected intercourse (i.e. no contraception) for one year.  Infertility affects over 5 million couples in the United States.  According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, nearly 9 percent of the reproductive age population is impacted by fertility problems.

Not everyone can expect to conceive the first month they try.  Only about 20 percent of women who desire to get pregnant, do so in the first ovulation cycle that they try.  About 80% of women  under the age of 35 will conceive within 6 months of trying.

Any couple, under the age of 35 years,  that has failed to conceive after 1 year of trying should seek an evaluation by an infertility doctor in Colorado because the longer one tries without success the less likely fertility treatments will help. (So the sooner you seek help the more likely treatments will work.)

There are times when a couple should consider seeing a fertility specialist sooner than one year. These times include:

  • Women who experience absent or irregular menstrual cycles
  • Women who are age 35 and older and are unable to conceive within six months time.
  • Women over 40 years of age after 3 months of trying.
  • Women who have had a tubal ligation and need to have a reversal done in order to conceive.
  • Women with  known tubal disease, or a history of pelvic infections such as PID, Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.
  • Women who have a history of two or more miscarriages
  • Women with a medical history of pelvic inflammation, infection or adhesions and/or have a prior history of endometriosis.
  • Lesbian or single women who require donor sperm insemination to become pregnant.
  • Women who having difficulty with intercourse due to pain or erectile dysfunction should see a fertility specialist immediately.

Fertility problems impacting men may be due to the following:

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