Basic Treatment for Infertility
Basic treatment is what most patients require when it comes to Colorado infertility. The treatment is less complex than in vitro treatment, and is simple and less expensive. The basic treatment can be categorized in a few different groups:
- Ovulation drugs
- Artificial insemination
- Surgical procedures
For those requiring treatment for polycystic ovaries, a fourth group may be recognized. Treatment plans are based upon the health history of the couple, as well as a variety of other factors. PCOS is very common and can lead to difficulty with getting pregnant. Treatment with the fertility doctors at Rocky Mountain Fertility Clinic can alleviate PCOS issues and help females achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Ovulation Drugs
One of the most frequently used treatments of infertility issues stemming from ovulation disorders is the use of ovulation drugs. Ovulation drugs can also be used in combination with insemination to treat other problems such as unexplained infertility or male factor. Drugs may be administered orally or as injectable.
Injectable ovulation drugs are extremely potent and effective. One of the most widely used injectable agents is Pergonal. These types of drugs stimulate egg production within the ovary and then hCG or another form of the drug is given to release the eggs.
Artificial Insemination
Intrauterine insemination or IUI is also referred to as artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is a common procedure where the sperm of the male donor is concentrated by a process known as sperm washing. Once the sperm washing is complete it is placed into the upper uterus using a small catheter. This is a simple in-office procedure with a Denver fertility clinic that does not require a lot of time.
Artificial insemination is a useful technique where the sperm is transported with successful results, even in cases of unexplained fertility. Insemination is commonly used in cycles where ovulation drugs have been administered because natural insemination (unmedicated) produces weak results.
Surgical Procedures
Typically used in correction of endometriosis damage, surgery provides good results if there is mild to moderate disease and scarring. There are two types of surgery that are effective in treating infertility associated with endometriosis: open or large incision and laparoscopic or small incision.
Laparoscopic surgery is the most sought after type of surgery because there is less impact on the patient and decreased recovery time than traditional open surgery. Technology has improved over the years to allow most, even complex problems, to be treated with laparoscopic surgery.
Lasers and other forms of ancillary equipment can be utilized to remove such problems as endometriosis and scar tissue. The outcome of surgery is highly effective in treating related problems for infertility. Success rates can be high depending on the case.