About one out of 100 women will experience recurrent miscarriage in their lifetime. About 30% of these women will not be able to find a cause for their condition. But because a number of problems result in recurrent miscarriage, there is a good chance of finding and potentially treating the condition.
A number of conditions have been identified as causes of miscarriage, while other conditions are known to be associated with the condition, although the precise mechanism by which they cause it is unknown. Recurrent miscarriage is a constantly evolving area of research, and we are continually finding out more about what causes it and how to best treat recurrent pregnancy loss. Conditions that can cause recurrent miscarriage include:
- Chromosomal abnormalities that either parent may pass on to the fetus, resulting in miscarriage.
- Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), a condition that causes the blood to clot abnormally and can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.
- Thrombophilia, an inherited disorder that makes blood clotting more likely than normal; while this can cause miscarriages, its role in recurrent miscarriage is still unclear and whether treatment is beneficial is less clear.
- Uterine problems, including fibroids, or abnormally shaped uterus
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition that has been linked to recurrent miscarriage, but is not yet fully understood.
- Age can play a factor as well; the older a woman is, the more likely she is to experience miscarriage. After the age of 35, the quality of a woman’s eggs rapidly declines, and as a result there is an increased likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to miscarriages.
In spite of these causes, unexplained recurrent miscarriages are also common. As research continues to progress, the rate of unexplained miscarriages may decline.
Because there are many different conditions that could be causing recurrent miscarriage, the diagnosis and treatment for individuals will be variable. The good news is that many of the conditions that cause recurrent miscarriage can be diagnosed and treated. Conditions such as APS and thrombophilia are detectable with a simple blood test. Uterine problems and PCOS can be diagnosed with ultrasound tests. And chromosomal problems can be found with a genetic test. Once a potential cause for recurrent miscarriage is found, treatment options are available.
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