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A woman’s best ovulation time is 12 to 16 days before her next menstrual period starts and around five to 12 days after her last period stops. Every woman is different, so it’s up to the woman to find out the best time for ovulating if she is trying to get pregnant. Some women keep up with their menstrual cycles and fertile periods by charting the menstrual periods and ovulation times.

Optimal Fertile Days

For determining ovulation, a woman can take her longest cycle, and subtract 11 from it. This will tell you the last fertile day. If you take the shortest cycle and subtract 19 from it, this will be your first fertile day.  For example if a woman has cycles that occur every 27- 30 days then her fertile period will be day 8- 19  (30-11= 19 and 27-19 = 8) of the cycle. If you do this over the months, keep a record or chart it, you should be fertile from days 8 to 19.

Basal Body Temperature

Even though you can do this simple calculation for optimal fertile days, it is still a wide range of dates to go by. You can actually narrow down the most fertile days by charting your basal body temperature (morning temperature after you wake up). This can range from 96 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit in some women. You will notice a change of four to eight tenths of a degree temperature raise if you have ovulated within the past 24 hours or less.

Cervical Mucus Evaluation

Another way of telling if you are in your fertile period time is to pay attention to your cervical mucus. The cervical mucus is the moisture and vaginal contents that most women notice when they wipe. The mucus can range from a dry (right after their period) to a stickier texture, which means ovulation is approaching. You will also notice it being stretchy, semi-transparent, and wet once ovulation is about to occur. Once you notice the stretchy mucus, ovulation usually occurs within 96 hours.

Cycle Day-by-Day

The chart below will help you make a chart to keep up with your own ovulation and most fertile days by showing what happens on an average 28 days cycle. Days 1 to 5: Your estrogen and progesterone levels become low, and your body temperature is between 96 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit if you are not pregnant. This means the dead tissue lining in the uterus is shedding.














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